Articles Photo Contest Finalist
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St. Simons Sunrise
Taken at St. Simons Island on 9-19-08. I used a 2-stop graduated neutral density filter to obtain the photo of this magnificent sunrise. It was processed as a pseudo HDR image in Photomatix Pro. I then applied the following NIK Color Efex Pro filters in this order: Brilliance/Warmth, Color Contrast Range, Graduated Neutral Density, Tonal Contrast.The crepuscular rays in the sky and the rain on the horizon were provided by Mother Nature in all her splendid glory. f/16 1/15 sec. ISO 100 10-22mm lens @ 10mm. Category: Composition Rule of Thirds - The horizon is placed below center to emphasize the sky. The dock is placed to provide leading lines into the photo.

© Robert A. Burns

Extra Large Print
Extra Large photo printed on 13 x 19 inch Epson Premium Semigloss paper. The actual dimensions will vary according to the dimensions of the original photograph.  $45.00
Large Print
Large photo (typically 10 x 15 inches) printed on 11.7 x 16.5 inch Epson Premium Luster paper. The actual size of the print will vary according to the dimensions of the original photograph.  $35.00
Medium Print
Medium size photo (approximately 6.67x10) printed on 8.5 x 11 inch Epson Premium Luster paper. The actual size of the print will vary according to the dimensions of the original photograph.  $25.00